Just What is Hardscaping?

Hardscaping provides design elements to show off the house and property

Hardscape is non-plant related design , like steps, stone rock gardens, decks, and fire pits,” We use many materials such as stone, wood and composite to create them.

Hardscaping helps to extend the amount of the year that homeowners in colder climates can enjoy the outdoors. The growing popularity of outdoor entertainment areas provide features such as outdoor fireplaces and fire pits have been a popular.

Hardscape art can be used to help the design of a home, tying together the style of the house and the backyard. “Matching the brick or stone on a house We want the overall look and feel to be as if it were part of the house and property design

Environment concern has homeowners asking for r natural products “Stone, bricks, pavers and many composites last much longer than cedar or redwood decks. Some of the composites actually use recycled materials

Just like shrubs and plants, the right hardscape materials can give a home a unique appeal.

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